Resilient Urbanism



“Resilience” is at the core of most contemporary design and planning competitions. An analytical study of over 60 projects was collected in a compendium of design precedents (competitions and visions). From each of the entries, strategies and metrics were extracted to highlight relevant and overarching themes and tactics. The following five frameworks were recurring across geographies and scales: 1) Connectivity and Reading the Landscape, 2) Open Ended Flexibility, 3) Landforms as Safe-to-Fail Buffers, 4) Integrating Blue-Green-Grey Infrastructure, and 5) Landscape as Filter.

The Resilient Section is a 20’ drawing and animated GIF that combines over 60 resilient design strategies into a prototypical urban transect with various densities and land uses. The drawing combines buildings, blue-green-grey infrastructures, and open space design into an imagined estuary condition. This drawing is meant to be shared in various public spaces and forums to offer and highlight the opportunities and potential of resilient and adaptive design.

These precedents are integrated into the Flux.Land Platform for planning and design.The projects range from early Olmsted designs, to competition entries such Rebuild by Design (2014), Resilient by Design (2017), Waterfront Toronto, and built work in Denmark and the Netherlands.

TeamFadi Masoud, Vincent Javet, Jia Lu, Waiyee Chou, Hillary DeWildt, Ambika Pharma, Elspeth Holland, John Nguyen